International Consultation 120 min


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Looking for support applying for Oxford or Cambridge from overseas? Let us help.

Every year, the Getting In team helps support countless international and overseas applications to Oxford and Cambridge. Oxford and Cambridge (or “Oxbridge”) have thriving international communities, and strong atmospheres of inclusion and diversity, highlighting the strength that comes from having learners from all over the world study in one place. These universities also have special freshers’ weeks for international students, who typically arrive before “home” students already living in the UK.

While Oxbridge are very welcoming to international students, it can be very disorientating to find yourself in a new country with a new culture and a new style of teaching, especially if you haven’t studied in the UK before. Our aim at Getting In is to help prepare you for what to expect from your study at Oxbridge, but also to prepare you for your application and interview, and answer any questions you or your family may have about studying in the UK.

We recognise the importance of family in your education and wellbeing when attending university, and specifically work to include parents and guardians as part of the consultation to help create a proactive plan of support for you before and during your studies.

Our International Consultation is split into three main stages:

  1. A mock test and/or interview, specific to the student’s subject and based on real questions from past Oxbridge admissions tests

  2. Parental consultation, where one of our consultants will speak to the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) about their performance

  3. A feedback & forward planning session, where the consultant, student, and parents/guardians work together to create a strategy of assessment, practice, and improvement that will help bolster the applicant’s chances of being offered a place at Oxbridge

The Premier Service - Silver (20 hours)
Online Summer School Programme
Oxbridge Preparation Weekend (Online)
One Day Interview Prep Workshop
Oxford and Cambridge Private Consultation 60 mins