The Premier Service - Gold (30 hours)


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The Premier Service is Getting most exclusive and successful package. A bespoke service tailored to your needs, interests and ambitions, taking part in the Premier Service will guide you through every stage of your Oxbridge journey – from application, interview to academic preparation for the rigour of an Oxbridge degree. Working closely with a skilled tutor and specialist graduate will not only enhance your skills and knowledge as an exceptional Oxbridge candidate, but it will also give you a taster of what Oxbridge’s one-on-one tutorial/supervision system could do for you.

Gold (30 hours)

In addition the everything provided in the Silver Premier Service Package, the Gold upgrade will allow you to ensure that you truly stand out from the talented crowd of prospective Oxbridge applicants. An extra ten hours of contact with your specialist tutor(s) will allow you to explore and enhance your academic interests and skills in much greater depth and breadth. Subject-specific reading or assignments may be set between tutorials to greatly enrich your academic knowledge, confidence and critical analysis skills. The Gold Package also involves longer-term career planning sessions and a greater focus on attaining the quality of academic writing that Oxbridge expects of successful candidates.

Your 30 hours of tutoring on the Getting In Gold Premier Service Package will include:

  • Consultation (1.5 hours)

o   An hour and a half discussion with a specialist to establish your needs, interests and ambitions.

o   Crafting a bespoke curriculum to ensure you get the most out of your time with us.

o   Discussion of what you want from a tutor; what style of tutoring will work best for your learning preferences.

  • Tutorials (20 hours)

o   One-on-one sessions with your tutor, emulating the rigour and depth of the Oxbridge tutorial/supervision system.

o   Completely tailored to your needs, interests and ambitions.

o   One to three hours of tutorials a week, depending on your desired intensity of programme.

  • Mock interviews (4 hours)

o   Mock interviews based on real Oxbridge past interview questions.

o   Including pre-interview tests and assessments if relevant for your chosen course.

o   Detailed feedback indicating strengths, weaknesses and guidance for necessary improvement.

  • Personal Statement sessions (2 hours)

o   Two sessions to make your personal statement as effective as possible and greatly enhance your written communication skills.

o   Guidance on how a personal statement should be tailored to Oxbridge.

o   Written feedback on one Personal Statement draft.

  • Course/College/University Selection (1.5 hours)

o   A unique opportunity to be able to acquire insider-advice about Oxbridge colleges and courses.

o   Shortlist colleges that are best suited to your academic interests, extra-curricular activities and pastoral needs.

  • Career planning (1 hour)

    • A session to explore your goals after graduating and plan how you might best use your time at university to get there.

International Consultation 120 min
The Premier Service - Silver (20 hours)
Oxford and Cambridge Private Consultation 90 mins
Oxbridge Preparation Weekend (Online)
One Day Interview Prep Workshop